22 May 2008

Every Belch A Wanton Farewell

Every belch a wanton farewell
Every sigh a landmine
Every raised brow a cleansing of doorways
Every cough a brownout
Every yawn a childhood trauma
Every climax a streetlamp
Every itch a familiar face goes black
Every stumble a gas chamber
Every scream a flatulent wrist-slap
Every thought a colander
Every belch a wanton farewell
And I a fellow corpse

21 May 2008

brain treatise, article 1st

who are they
who have the pile of brain
who speak to us
who julienne my cash
who stand arms folded
atop the coronal suture
eyebrows groomed
and stems connected
who are they
who, indeed
when i jump into
a pile of brain
it scalds the skin
it sears your tongue
surely they seek
the same as i
who are they
pockets turned out
faces on the soles of their shoes
hands on the soles of their eyes
in soviet republics
brains have you
who are they
who, indeed

13 May 2008

hidden accumulation of sea vegetables: III


Horrific ghost shackles
On a bathyscaphe
I can see no house from here
Just a diatom river
Summon the cephalopods
My love


Pile up at the edge
Of the jet black trench
Eyes all big
Teeth all big
Faces block the void
Bask masked organs
Sing us down the depths


Caught in kelp?
If you'd only ask for help
Dying waterlogged yelp
Top continental shelf
Another round of salt water, then
Gulps for free
At the dead black bottom
Of your sea
Cast-iron will
Salt and sympathy


Knew this was one-way ticket
But you know I had to come

a haiku regarding chemistry finals

chem II i hate you
you are way too hard to do
someone's fucked; guess who?

11 May 2008

the loop

driving along the
loop of henle
in a finely tailored
wind in hair
handing out signals
and iodine smears
to all the epithelial
passive absorption
active transmittance
no admittance:
closed loop
a banshee wail
body shuts down
sodium siren song
salt goes to earth
sober sisters
sympathetic solvents
and such

all along the loop

stabbed in the tiara

see the pictures
they are just like us

they are just like us

skull collapses
on coal
and over many years
forms a diamond
forming a tiara
atop a pile of innards

reduced to carbon
reduced to nightmare
just like us

06 May 2008

Grinning Red Skull in Foyer

it's the fear again
feels like marbles coming out of your

trapped in the
foyer, tuesday morning
with the giant skull
how many times

drips blood
all over the mirror
all over the pantsuits
all over the dog
tears at the seams
makes the ceiling foamy
and sick and drip
drip drip drip drip

grins and hollows out
your countenance with no

i just went to work
but i know what
will happen when
i come home

it's still in there

mergers + acquisitions AD

I held a beating human heart
Out the window
Of a Chevy Nova
In the rain
In suburbia

Clothes came out of my face
Years crawled into my scalp
Dust fluttered
In the basement
Crying hands

Last week
We made waffles in the snow
Dark red waffles
Laughing constantly
Clothed in doubt
Sanguine sugar

I'll take a rain check
Exploded view of finance
Narrow stairs to freedom
Dumbwaiter to America
Truly choking