29 October 2008

We'll See What Happens When You Are Thrown Off of a Tower

We'll see motherfucker

We will see what happens
When the rain turns to gold
And your face shines

We will see what happens
When the fields come alive
When all there is is the sound
Of tiny metal legs
On frosted glass miracles
In the red snow

We will see what happens
When no one has opposable thumbs
When the night is cast out
Into the ashen trough
Of insolvency

We will see what happens
When you are thrown off the tower
When luck is just a myth
A Joey Campbell footnote
An archetype of failure
Tower faller


27 October 2008

Thus, A Ruling Was Handed Down On Tuna Fronts

Thus spake
The lords of flaky delight
Parted were the clouds
As seething shafts of light
Pierced the veil of

With arms
And all flowing robes
Swollen with pulchritude
Did the lords say unto
The withered populace

Let there be
Tuna fronts
Massive walls of blood red flesh
Floating in on gusts of rice
A high pressure system
Of ichthyonic wonder

For all mankind

23 October 2008

some thoughts on lemons

Why are they clean

That she washed
And laid them in
The bloody creek

Before we went
To sleep for the
Rest of the decade

Before the cranks
Came out of the
Dead house and
Cut water all over

That tumbled out
The cedar chest with
Lockets bound with
Human sadness

Cleansed thoroughly
Why, now

Why are they clean

14 October 2008

EDIT. polar fry

polar fry
i loved you once
i love you still
i took the stairway to freedom
i became a ghost
i roamed
i made it to the west
i killed forty-seven miners with only my mind
i lost everything
polar fry

12 October 2008

Sponges Are A Must

Sponges are a must
The drapery of milk
Across misshapen legs

The fortitude of dust
A hot collapsing barn
The sky a regal smear

Nothing here could rust
As dawn becomes retarded
Sponges were a must

11 October 2008


out again crushed
by the re-afterbirth of the

i hold my books wrong
because my shoulders
are caving in

i carry something

i'm in a scratched case
a bag of blood, spots and marks
a walking glitch
a carbon spectrum

burn the safe house down
now my shoes are falling apart
and my hair is falling apart

i'm carrying something
why don't i set it down
where do i set it down

how do i set it down

09 October 2008


here comes the kraut again
i think from ohio
lapels straight

here's that wall
here's a sympathetic wall
ice fingers in your eyes
ice wall

leaves are coming out
of the faces of everyone
on the street like
so much junior miss chattel

in the morning
i missed dad and then
the coffee pot came on
by itself and at the door
it was the kraut

we climbed the ice wall
we slipped down

i am touching the wall

Curling Tune Frock

thumbing through detritus
on the machine of dreams
it's only thursday

quiz time at rite-aid
photos dripping everywhere
milk pants wilting
in the fluorescent lipids

curling tune frock
zeroes in the forest
no one lived

08 October 2008


The lungs expire
The wheels sublime

As the weeping sun
Sets behind the
Layer mask
And granular buttons
Settle from their
Deathly perches

Your face becomes
An indentured lung
Destined to serve
To a grim master

Something crawls
From the organic soup
At the lake bottom
With a croaked message
For none to hear
"Stump phase"
And all is well

The sun becomes
A rotten lifeboat

I Brought This Corn For You to Have


I brought you
This ear of corn
Take it

I have brought

Take it

Look at the things
I have brought
To you
For instance
This corn
I brought it
For you to have
Look at it

Take the corn
Please take it

07 October 2008

There Is No Such Person As Judd Fruckens PhD

I'm pretty sure
There is

No there is not

Yes there is

There is no such
Person as that
There is no such
Thing as a gay
Robot either
No one has invented
A gay robot

Yes huh
It was him
He is real

No dude
