31 December 2008

balls is a front

we were on the hillside with black lung
we mined our glory from blood ore
we scoured the land
we cleansed our souls with volume
we kept it in check
we were golden

balls is a front, it was said
once and surely again
and in the golden light of the triangle
we glowed

It's A Business Doing Pleasure With You National Mountain Parking Lot

It's where dreams come to life
It's right by a forest
It has the quantity of life parts that you need
It's like a bottle filled with memories

It's all OK now

a pants fire

a pants fire

a thought of a makeshift dream
a macaque in the foyer
a marzipan rule

a fool that steals your lashes

a clown in the basement
a clown in my eyes
a kind word from a dog
a actual talking dog

a pants fire
a nameless dream
a ass punch in the kidneys by god

07 December 2008

Homograph Is For The Children

Living fossils may outlast us
Take some rayguns out and blast us
Homograph is for the children

When we dock our ships at last
And stretch and yawn and break our casts
Homograph is for the children
Supercritical fluid mane
Whaling tower in my brain

Bodies politic have spoken
Lesser limbs are shaved and broken
Homograph is for the children
Staple-gun epoxy fight

Living fossils run for office
Evil mayors at the hospice
Homograph is for the children
Neither are there kings in sight
Homographs of neutral reich

05 December 2008

Field Study

There are chairs
There are chairs that were
Over the in the corner
And now they are here

A field with bright murders
A flying happiness
A penny in the hand of everyone
A concise reimagining
A compass

There were two people
One of them is dead
Over in the breakfast nook
And now we are weeping

A plane of acceptance
A five factor model
A molar equivalent
A stalk of grief with sprouts, and
A chair

30 November 2008

brain fall out

there it goes

there it goes

there it goes

family ties season 6 now available

25 November 2008

Awesome Trap

Awesome trap
Les jeux en fait
Your hubris will destroy you

Awesome trap
You fought your weight
You won the world in ducats

Awesome trap
I name you gold
I free you in the desert

Awesome trap
The time is nigh
The maidenhead has wilted

Shout out from any rung
The awesome trap hath sprung

Apocalypse Twilight of the Mind Whales

And so when books were shut
And all the children left
And skies were stained with age
And acceptance came to pass
And all the whales had flown
And minds had ceased to search
We sat among the toxic sand
Waiting out the end
Waiting out our minds

Waiting out the end

23 November 2008

Personal Loans Toronto Employment Verification

Where are we

Manage blogs?
One total?
Personal loans?
Inner disquiet --
sandwich triumph;
beaten senseless
at the gates
with charm enough
to disarm
while vomit-hued
Toronto skies
stick needles in eyes;

Another round, starhorse
for blessed lepers
and personal loans
and needleprick job fairs

for a horse that cares

20 November 2008

Send Me a Whale

Send me a whale
From your mind

Among the ice
I see the light
I see my insides
Fall apart
I see the whale
A spout of grace
Some fins all huge
Fucking hell

It's time to fight
It's a gilded wreck
It's nameless bliss
It's time to die

Send me a whale
Fast and free
Milk of doubt

If you don't mind

19 November 2008

mea culpa

sorry i came
sorry for no nougat
sorry for caressing your shirt in a field of wonder
sorry for my ears turning black
sorry for cursing the ground you walk on
sorry we ever met
sorry for the whole turkish prison thing
sorry a stream of blood poured out of my brain
sorry about the king
sorry about the bones in the fish on the anniversary
sorry i blew up your face with my mind
sorry we became jewels in the hot sun
sorry i recrystallized your bromobutane
sorry about framing myself
sorry about velvet elvis
sorry about all the reverb
sorry about achieving an erection in the police station
sorry for turning to dust
sorry for everything

metabolic wasteland

scale the wall of doubt
clad in hormones
sore at the bends
tumble back down
bored to outbreak
dripping with anything
ready to shrink
ready to boast
ready to doubt

18 November 2008

solid gold your face

old man carruthers steered the ship
to freedom

we were torn between making cakes
in djibouti and drowning in
a pile of sand

on the horizon jesus came out
of a cloud of bricks

our bandages were covered in lymph
and we couldn't see through the
haze of skin

with one final yelp of captain the
ship was lost in a whirlpool made
of mealy doughnuts

emblazoned on the horizon a solid
gold your face

Now I'm President

Imperious minds above the pyre
Follow my legs at every turn
Walls are dripping ichor syrup
Now I'm president

Kraut on the phone, line two
He's looking for eight pounds of skin
From the decomposition museum
Now I'm president

Julienne eyes with hair reduction
Soda rocks tumble from dead clouds
Sick marbles on the alien highway
Now I'm president

I took the bridge to quiescence
I crashed my tractor into a telescope
I'm throwing up blood for all to see
Now I'm president

11 November 2008

scum winter

and as we passed
the crying field
we soaked it in
we laughed loudly
us with our
clean wrists
and bleached memories

scum winter

and when we looked
down from towers
holding water
making love
we gnashed our teeth
and smiled pretty
we were free

scum winter

and now we die
our foreheads blank
of telltale lines
we never deigned
to visit hell
we held our breath
we died in winter

scum winter


help the stable children
help the horse cops
jump over siddhartha
jump over insurance
kill the elder worm
kill the cornucopia
help me get right

help me get right

02 November 2008


fall off roof
die in fire
go to sleep
share electrons
kill messenger
obtain pants
drive to walmart
become ill
share electrons
get the mumps
drink latte
wail on guitar
scream at ghosts
set alarm
rub the buddha
share electrons
hang by thread
lick your teeth
achieve climax
jump from building
get swallowed
perform calculus
fall from grace
share electrons

ask for god
get no answer
obtain alcohol

01 November 2008

sweater jam 08

eins zwei drei baby
it's sweater time
hold my bankruptcy
hold the line
infidel eyes
american swine

sing the sirens
sweater time
lovers bleed
crossed stars align
your call is important
it's sweater time

i've got yours
you've got mine
we all got credit
everything's fine
a bitter cold
never you mind
heads in the sand
it's sweater time

29 October 2008

We'll See What Happens When You Are Thrown Off of a Tower

We'll see motherfucker

We will see what happens
When the rain turns to gold
And your face shines

We will see what happens
When the fields come alive
When all there is is the sound
Of tiny metal legs
On frosted glass miracles
In the red snow

We will see what happens
When no one has opposable thumbs
When the night is cast out
Into the ashen trough
Of insolvency

We will see what happens
When you are thrown off the tower
When luck is just a myth
A Joey Campbell footnote
An archetype of failure
Tower faller


27 October 2008

Thus, A Ruling Was Handed Down On Tuna Fronts

Thus spake
The lords of flaky delight
Parted were the clouds
As seething shafts of light
Pierced the veil of

With arms
And all flowing robes
Swollen with pulchritude
Did the lords say unto
The withered populace

Let there be
Tuna fronts
Massive walls of blood red flesh
Floating in on gusts of rice
A high pressure system
Of ichthyonic wonder

For all mankind

23 October 2008

some thoughts on lemons

Why are they clean

That she washed
And laid them in
The bloody creek

Before we went
To sleep for the
Rest of the decade

Before the cranks
Came out of the
Dead house and
Cut water all over

That tumbled out
The cedar chest with
Lockets bound with
Human sadness

Cleansed thoroughly
Why, now

Why are they clean

14 October 2008

EDIT. polar fry

polar fry
i loved you once
i love you still
i took the stairway to freedom
i became a ghost
i roamed
i made it to the west
i killed forty-seven miners with only my mind
i lost everything
polar fry

12 October 2008

Sponges Are A Must

Sponges are a must
The drapery of milk
Across misshapen legs

The fortitude of dust
A hot collapsing barn
The sky a regal smear

Nothing here could rust
As dawn becomes retarded
Sponges were a must

11 October 2008


out again crushed
by the re-afterbirth of the

i hold my books wrong
because my shoulders
are caving in

i carry something

i'm in a scratched case
a bag of blood, spots and marks
a walking glitch
a carbon spectrum

burn the safe house down
now my shoes are falling apart
and my hair is falling apart

i'm carrying something
why don't i set it down
where do i set it down

how do i set it down

09 October 2008


here comes the kraut again
i think from ohio
lapels straight

here's that wall
here's a sympathetic wall
ice fingers in your eyes
ice wall

leaves are coming out
of the faces of everyone
on the street like
so much junior miss chattel

in the morning
i missed dad and then
the coffee pot came on
by itself and at the door
it was the kraut

we climbed the ice wall
we slipped down

i am touching the wall

Curling Tune Frock

thumbing through detritus
on the machine of dreams
it's only thursday

quiz time at rite-aid
photos dripping everywhere
milk pants wilting
in the fluorescent lipids

curling tune frock
zeroes in the forest
no one lived

08 October 2008


The lungs expire
The wheels sublime

As the weeping sun
Sets behind the
Layer mask
And granular buttons
Settle from their
Deathly perches

Your face becomes
An indentured lung
Destined to serve
To a grim master

Something crawls
From the organic soup
At the lake bottom
With a croaked message
For none to hear
"Stump phase"
And all is well

The sun becomes
A rotten lifeboat

I Brought This Corn For You to Have


I brought you
This ear of corn
Take it

I have brought

Take it

Look at the things
I have brought
To you
For instance
This corn
I brought it
For you to have
Look at it

Take the corn
Please take it

07 October 2008

There Is No Such Person As Judd Fruckens PhD

I'm pretty sure
There is

No there is not

Yes there is

There is no such
Person as that
There is no such
Thing as a gay
Robot either
No one has invented
A gay robot

Yes huh
It was him
He is real

No dude


16 September 2008

maybe it was utah

We gave up the cover
Of mud and anonymity
Rebirth into the ether
Maybe it was wrong

We took our soles off
Hung them on the radiator
Stole a few eukaryotes
Maybe that was rash

We left the brooding solace
Breathed the nitrous solution
Blocked our mouths with nylon
Maybe times were hard

We crashed and were rebuilt
Egos dead in the desert
Simple things we couldn't grasp
Maybe it was Utah

this poem has been vaporized


15 September 2008

a memorial

i was just thinking

remember the time
that we were shopping
at fashion bug and
we were assaulted
by mammals

remember the time
our faces came off in the
snow and we wept
until we realized we were
totally stepping all over
our faces

remember the time
you were high above planet
earth and nothing seemed
to matter but the sweet-ass
breeze through your
frosted mane

neither do i

the aesthetic aegis

and now they're
opening an ikea
in lone tree,
the golden sky opened wide
and vomited a soup
of hazy light upon
the good citizens
and everyone was bathed
in soft glowing
and understanding
and peals of laughter
rang out from under
the straight trees
straight lines

and of course, everything was

11 September 2008

borrow your face (remix)

shaded hairman slips into
burning bookstore
at corner of hoover and

a mass of red pulp and
two dry white sockets

no we told him we
are all out of the secret
we are also all out
of oscar wao
can we recommend
a face

shaded hairman in the coat
of solace takes the skin
off the dust jacket
one doppio to go

and its off to the races

later that year we
all became astronauts
and were crushed in the
event horizon

bucket of lymph

hey man

hairy nodes at the gate of lucubus
droplets of fear
on the countenances of the peoples
of the northern realm
just before
the wordless yawning night

and yea, did lohan
descend on sweaty shafts of

that's not a word
fuck you pal

02 September 2008

a latin phrase followed by an insult

quid pro quo, asshole
e pluribus unum, retard
caveat emptor, fuckface
ab imo pectore, dickhead
hoc est bellum, idiot
in articulo mortis, bitch
lux et veritas, loser
luctor et emergo, moron
nec plus ultra, scrotum face
res ipsa loquitur, douchebag
vince malum bono, dickwad
nulli secundus, windowlicker
in omnia paratus, troglodyte
habeas corpus, shitstain
fiat lux, butthole
ex post facto, chump
dulcius ex asperis, limpdick
coitus interruptus, bonehead
ave atque vale, penis breath
acta non verba, dillweed
pulvis et umbra sumus, asshat
nosce te ipsum, dumbshit
manus manum lavat, cracker
dolorum ipsum quia, schmuck
sine qua non, motherfucker


look at them go
look at them stretch
eating your feelings
light ethical workouts
early summer insurgence
screwed by the infidels
tanks on your shoulders
shades on your tanks
moss in the shade
moss growing off your side chain
chains everywhere
look what happened
now the sky is disgusting
and mom is a gargoyle
mycorrhizal union
above ground
and cavities filled with meat
clubfoot summer rain
and luscious burnt locks
do you understand now
what was is
and how


go set
mind, protocol, go
go set

sleep protocol
mind set
go set

protocol set
from within, frog step
mind step,
go set

from without, doom
icon acceptor
proton donor
swimming in the binary
mind protocol
sleep set

go set
go set

frog step
frog step
frog step

19 August 2008

carbon elegy

Whether we can see
Macular degenerate
Close your flaps

In the dying throngs
Cursed sing-alongs
Jumping out of porcelain throats
Close your eyes
Sinking boats
Protein coats

Squeezed into a box
Unprotected locks
Cascading from your guileless face
As time elapses
Things take place

The sky is rent to dust
The lovers choke on lust
Crucial insect crawls to light
And Nixon laughs
Endless night

ethel brainthroat national wheat symposium

doors 7
wheat 8
bring friends
balloons for mom

manage blogs (1 total)

Manage blogs
One total
Bladder farce

Manage blogs
One total
Artificial synapse

Manage blogs
One total
One ring
Gun party
Make it

Manage blogs
One total
Fierce toads
Frosty vices

Manage blogs
One total
Man ages slowly
Future exile

Manage blogs
One total
New post

17 August 2008

2,5-difluoro-4-ethylbenzoic acid

\ // \\
\ // \\
\_____// \\______COOH
\ /
\ /
\ /

well, shit

16 August 2008

flying is believing

arms outstretched
in the corn field
tongue lolling for god

achieve lift-off
dreams swell, explode
face becomes gold

soar through air
clouds of salt and
symphonic clatter

you are success
you own the night
women, wine, song

anyone can fly
all you have to do
is just believe

and have real wings

dwarfed by wreckage

electric marrow
small man
large wheels

caleb said i didn't have to go
to the acid shop
not with these arms
who has arms

slowly we became the
in c sharp major

static engulfs arms
impossible reaction
small couch
acid bone

tiny animated doorstops
belch forth a stream
of binary destiny
in the shadow of
great halogens

stuff party
let's take place
wrecked and leaning

wrecked by dwarves

in the morning
we were beset
on all sides
by dwarves

beignets thrown
here and there
lattes spilt and the

were torn
light seared the
sectional and on the
television, there
was a talking
lion rising from
a pillar of guilt

you don't have to
wonder why this
keeps happening
but maybe

maybe you do

31 July 2008

brutal mac

difficult mac
immeasurably cheesy
incalculably hard
six punishing packets
of culinary brutality
taste the attack
taste the massacre
of your pummeled
brutal mac
the time has come
it's dead fucking serious

ask for it by name
brutal mac

baked goods fiasco

and lo
sterling silver donuts
in the aging sun

laughing bowlers,
whale charnel; renters
in a house of fractions

the mild salve of
both bracing for the best

nothing delicious can stay
not least of all
the sparkling donut
the currency of

28 July 2008

solemn golem: the motion picture


25 July 2008

bro sonata

What's up man
It's Chad

We were gonna
Get some

And then maybe
Hit the club
Maybe score
Some blow

Hang on
I've got another

Hit me back

24 July 2008

the year of utterly plain and undistinguished thinking

weed out time

beige thoughts
spread thin on a
dry cracker
as ghosts of good ideas
linger in the

step up 2
the streets
only with science
not awesome

it's weed out
let the panic


21 July 2008

simon tuka-waku (reprise)

His light
Filters through
The milk
Of fortitude

On high
Playing backgammon

Lead us to sea
Take our hand
Or plural
Whatever you
Feel like

The time is now
The now is here
Some can't wait
To die



special topics in calamity physics 2: dead by dawn

spooky action
at a distance

men wearing lead
drilling holes

horrific nightmare creatures
at k-mart
loitering in the back
by the bicycles
and camping gear

father scolds
genius daughter
and sigma signs
fall out of the

einstein looms
visage swathed in fear
yogurt bubbles
with fear
and active cultures
that also

hot author politics
space beyond words
nanobots and
vinyasa flow


18 July 2008

In Real Life

this is what happens

whimsical fun and smiling cats

Everything is great
Cats are flying around
People smile and say,
I like you
And there's a ferris wheel
For all the kids
And money and free snacks
And Jesus Christ
Shooting hoops at the YMCA
With a cadre of paralyzed children
That are now able to stand
And the air is filled with song and
Everyone is happy


clocks tumble out of the dead clouds and springs impale the unlucky passers-by as dead cells crawl out of the rotting centrifuge and the sky is bright yellow and the men in the hazard suits are climbing the building with giant tentacles that grow out of their diseased faces and July is so hot that people are bursting into flakes and liquid titanium is pouring out of all your sockets, your mouth is packed with gauze and yogurt and there's a hole in the earth now coated by insurance and vinyl siding and the clocks are still ticking but it sounds like ten million crickets being lit on fire and in the night the sky is still horrible and ethanol rains down from chimneys that just hang in space like dying missiles and everyone is laughing, the children are running free in cages made out of beating hearts and a giant brain looms over everything like a sentient war penis and meanwhile the laboratory collapsed and no one got out alive but the experiment splattered everywhere and the hazard men are drying up like salted slugs and robots are coming out of my face and it all hurts and July is covering everything with disease and the sky is making a terrible noise like a musical chainsaw, and Thor descends on a golden shaft of Ebola and suddenly it's Ragnarok

killed by residence

Argonaut wraiths
Haunt the fireplace
Carving up oxygen
Spots on photos

Wallpaper peels
Where cold spot hangs
Lamps a-flicker
Sucking wound

Chemist apparition
Blood on the causeway
Eraser shavings

Clean and friendly
Tears muscle off with
All due respect

Stairs are gum
Cannot close eyes
Wax becomes lymph
Screaming deer

Nightmare business
Teeth peeled back
Walls are fleshy
Porphyrin spray

Sidewalk opens
Sky swallows
Caked with plasma
Basement choke



a trenchcoat hanging
in mid-air
fedora slumped to one

grey on grey
cardboard skin
clear mascara

a photo of
a house before they
moved in

beige on beige
wood panels
recessed lighting

nothing at the
bottom of the
grey on grey

17 July 2008

tiny ambulance

lord gold
i'm ill
not sick
take my hands
in a tiny ambulance
and make

an illness here
an illness there
lord electrum
drive the
tiny ambulance
to freedom

10 July 2008

tuck pendleton machine: zero defects

i keep a case, a bag
in the back
in case of anything

i've got robots
pouring drinks
before i finish
opening the door

i keep options open
i might be small
i might be dead

i've got soco on tap
love on hold
life in fast forward
landed a plane
in zero visibility
balls to wall
as always

i keep a pack
in the back
you never know
just in case

where's the head
in this place

07 July 2008

human lichen

human spray
cold water
death chemistry
carbon brain
dying star
moss grave
human lichen
saline dreams

04 July 2008

summer death/dreadful sorry

Laurels stretch the length of road
Of our apology
The sky was open, sucking skin
From all the minor trees
Blood was running thin and cold
We had to eat the young
Although charisma got us far
It cauterized our tongue
July was tough, August was hot
September seared our flesh
Marriage vows and maple syrup
Claws and wire mesh
Cult is canon, laughs were looms
The fluids run to sea
Give my regards to Clementine
But no apology


Young apprentice
Fear the dream
Taste the ride
Use your fingers
Fill the gap

Gaps are filled
Hands are working
Rides to space
Thoughts are lovely
Student becomes master

03 July 2008

coming down with syphilis in the bering strait


It's happened again
A case of the whatnots
Here at the edge
Of civilization

Man the forward shit
Lifeboats ahoy
Things about to get
Up in this piece

First mate
Please give my condolences
My apologies
If you will
How could this happen
Yet again

Out on the ice
It's survival of the fittest
Up on deck
It's a war
Of the worst kind

God damn
It's happening again

ballad of whale attorney

Approach the bench
Approach the ticket booth
Of a life spent suited
Constant fighting
Baleen glistening
In the recessed lighting
Clients brooding
Breach sighting
Out to lunch again
On company dimes
Excuse the handwriting
But holding the pen
Takes a little time
And it's dry and hot
And the people are winning
Approach the bench
With blowhole held high
Aquatic indicting
The time is nigh

Whale attorney
The time is nigh
Cinch up that tie
You're in the right
It's time to fly

02 July 2008

throwing up dreams

so then we drove the chinese tank
all the way to kingdom come

so then we jumped off of thirteen buildings
one right after another

so then, brutal creatures came out of
the mist and attacked our caravan
in the middle of the hungry night
and bled all over our trousers
and scraped our faces clean

so then we threw up our dreams
and threw up our hands
and left the planet
only to return as
very, very short ghosts

so then short ghosts bought us a round
of drinks at the tuna bar
and we sipped slowly
and laughed
and bled

so then we didn't wake up at all

now press triangle

old man carruthers
at it again
out in the shed
out on the plain
carving out existence
jaw askew
dodging the scythe

now press triangle
now press square

old man carruthers
it's time to die

c-c-c-combo breaker

two giants fighting at a strip mall

there, in the ether glow
the wondrous evening smear
of the milk of the lights
just off the side of eye
twenty five

a cluster of commerce
beige bricks torched by
sun's cholesterol glare
dusty doors and toothless
smiling patrons

there, with arms swung out
two giants are smashing hands
pawing at faces with
desperate and unholy loops
of flesh

the smell of gasoline and
crushed dreams and just hanging
in there lingers on the bloody
air like a pallet stacked high with
choking failure

it isn't so much a matter of
who will win in this ghastly
battle but a question of how
in the world did two giants get
out here

i'm trying to kill you

Hands up
Stars clean
Into the barrel with you
Put down your
Welcome wagon
Finger signs and
Severed smiles
Can't you see
I'm trying to kill

Jukebox wobbles
Bar collapses
Stars spin out
Husks fall from
Dying fluorescent
Bulbs and people
Are standing, screaming,
Walking into walls

Drink into spin
Spin into star
Husks into smiles
God favors those
Who smile
Who scream

Can you not see
I'm trying
Very hard

09 June 2008

hangblow III: wharf of destiny

Rolling blood
Idioms spill
Faith in treason
Iron will

Hanged are men
Thought are thoughts
Neath the causeway
Polka dots

Heaven help us
Laser guides
Stairs to freedom
Simian brides

Blown to whiskers
Cast ashore
Hang us all
In pinafores
With open sores

Destined now
To stalk the seas
As blood runs thick with


05 June 2008

new post VII: the dream child

As I climbed the mountain
Sunset in hand
Pointillist verisimiltude
You know the drill

Stars burned down
Hands fell off
Weaves were born, and died
Heart possession mode

New post
Lead us
Lead us

22 May 2008

Every Belch A Wanton Farewell

Every belch a wanton farewell
Every sigh a landmine
Every raised brow a cleansing of doorways
Every cough a brownout
Every yawn a childhood trauma
Every climax a streetlamp
Every itch a familiar face goes black
Every stumble a gas chamber
Every scream a flatulent wrist-slap
Every thought a colander
Every belch a wanton farewell
And I a fellow corpse

21 May 2008

brain treatise, article 1st

who are they
who have the pile of brain
who speak to us
who julienne my cash
who stand arms folded
atop the coronal suture
eyebrows groomed
and stems connected
who are they
who, indeed
when i jump into
a pile of brain
it scalds the skin
it sears your tongue
surely they seek
the same as i
who are they
pockets turned out
faces on the soles of their shoes
hands on the soles of their eyes
in soviet republics
brains have you
who are they
who, indeed

13 May 2008

hidden accumulation of sea vegetables: III


Horrific ghost shackles
On a bathyscaphe
I can see no house from here
Just a diatom river
Summon the cephalopods
My love


Pile up at the edge
Of the jet black trench
Eyes all big
Teeth all big
Faces block the void
Bask masked organs
Sing us down the depths


Caught in kelp?
If you'd only ask for help
Dying waterlogged yelp
Top continental shelf
Another round of salt water, then
Gulps for free
At the dead black bottom
Of your sea
Cast-iron will
Salt and sympathy


Knew this was one-way ticket
But you know I had to come

a haiku regarding chemistry finals

chem II i hate you
you are way too hard to do
someone's fucked; guess who?

11 May 2008

the loop

driving along the
loop of henle
in a finely tailored
wind in hair
handing out signals
and iodine smears
to all the epithelial
passive absorption
active transmittance
no admittance:
closed loop
a banshee wail
body shuts down
sodium siren song
salt goes to earth
sober sisters
sympathetic solvents
and such

all along the loop

stabbed in the tiara

see the pictures
they are just like us

they are just like us

skull collapses
on coal
and over many years
forms a diamond
forming a tiara
atop a pile of innards

reduced to carbon
reduced to nightmare
just like us

06 May 2008

Grinning Red Skull in Foyer

it's the fear again
feels like marbles coming out of your

trapped in the
foyer, tuesday morning
with the giant skull
how many times

drips blood
all over the mirror
all over the pantsuits
all over the dog
tears at the seams
makes the ceiling foamy
and sick and drip
drip drip drip drip

grins and hollows out
your countenance with no

i just went to work
but i know what
will happen when
i come home

it's still in there

mergers + acquisitions AD

I held a beating human heart
Out the window
Of a Chevy Nova
In the rain
In suburbia

Clothes came out of my face
Years crawled into my scalp
Dust fluttered
In the basement
Crying hands

Last week
We made waffles in the snow
Dark red waffles
Laughing constantly
Clothed in doubt
Sanguine sugar

I'll take a rain check
Exploded view of finance
Narrow stairs to freedom
Dumbwaiter to America
Truly choking

27 April 2008

oh man

Man oh man
Holy shit

Sweet mother
Of christ
Holy fucking

Oh man

Sweet Jesus
Sweet Christ
Sweet holy mother
Of fucking shit

Holy fuck

Oh man


22 April 2008

friendly taco

Friendly taco
Let's shake on it
Let's high five
For good measure
For a fond time
Friendly taco

Friendly taco
The world's your oyster
Oyster tacos
Kind of gross
Sorry about the
Friendly taco

Friendly taco
Meadows of light
Victims of circumstance
United in fear
Covered in hot sauce
We are the same
You and I
Friendly taco

So it came to pass

20 April 2008

Sir, There Seems to Be a Yacht Growing Out of Your Face

Excuse me, sir
There seems to be
Some sort of yacht
Growing out of your

There seems to be
Some sort of
Disposable income
Clumped in landmines
On your lawn

There appears to be
A cluster of silverfish
In the clutches of psychosis
Starving angrily
In your mud room

There may also be
Gentlemen of stature
Beards of silken wonder
Touching themselves
As blood-soaked ascots
Rain from the dead

I'm sorry
No shirt
No shoes
No service
No exit

19 April 2008

i am scared

As golden scabs
Rain down
From infected clouds
Lateral transfer
Of nightmares

You're watching
She's All That
Brought to you by
Your flaxen hair
Frozen in place
Fear mask
Frozen in place
Rhesus climbs your
Frozen face

It's a brand new day
Soothing lite rock
Throbbing infections
Shrieking chimps
You know
The usual

You have it in
Your blood

02 April 2008

today i bought an iPhone gun

i bought an iPhone gun
i took out a fat wad
of dirty cash and engaged in

i took my iPhone gun
to the park and shot
iPhones at homeless people
and laughed the laugh
of a rich and satisfied

i shot iPhones high into
the bloodshot sky
and watched them rain down
touch-screen technology
on unsuspecting patrons
of businesses
and small, small children
and giants alike

i shot iPhones until i ran out
then i bought some more
i shot them into the deep blue
yonder and bludgeoned the
faces of the meek and the
skulls of the underprivileged

i breathed in the sweet and
sickening stench of burning plastic
and savvy marketing
and i licked my dry lips
and tasted blood and
butter and

today i bought
an iPhone gun

19 March 2008

lab practical imminent

two for one aortas
at Sizzler

just in time
for the cardiac parade
a boat shaped like
a blood clot
sailing down the causeway
like a golden brick
through your gaping

a magic portal
a thrombus negated by a robot
a torrential downpour of lymph
a scarlet parade
if you will

arch of triumph,
plasma tricks
all you can sever
all you can forget

18 March 2008

hard minds

Black suns
Flying out of
Velcro vortices
Your appendices
Crane atypically
Bent as fuck
As Atlas would have them
As minds as hard
As a dinner plate of diamonds
Fall out back
Of a black skull
Burnt by
A Velcro sun
Lost keys?
Tough luck, Hercules
No more renal cortices
Hard minds
Gripping swirls
Of vortices

tokyo drift, with mayo

A small child
Floating down a river
Of hatred
In the cold sun

Furious towering arms
Flail at the midsection
Of an armless heathen
A cyclops face
An axe
A pile of smoking shoelaces
A furious [sic]
[Lunacy. - Ed.]

July came slowly
A lemur fell out
Of a fucking tree
Esophageal bliss
Cartwheeling through Galilee

Mayonnaise sea
Sex fractions
Amniotic wallops
Polyp city

I'll give you a TKO
From Tokyo

16 March 2008

Ode to Commerce City

City o city
City of commerce
City of putrid dreams
Where failure is just
A meth score away
Where teeth match
The shade of the air
City of dirt
City of abandoned hope
Where failure is just
A leathery face
Where hell is just
A layer of filth
God bless us all,
The God-forsaken
Car won't start
City of industry
Industry of death
Where dreams slip through
And chapped lips
Between well drink sips
We all float down

knives; stabbing weapons

Stabbing weapons
How's Wolfie?
Your parents are dead

12 March 2008

09 March 2008

your face is snowing

High atop
The gristle mill
With arms outstretched
With lungs intact
A case of malt
A time of pleats
With hardcore beatdowns,
Static tears
In times of grace
We sip from life
A sickened syrup
From high atop
This granite field
With lungs outstretched
With face intact
A chemist broods
A ceiling falls
With pleats intact
With static rain
In times of syrup
Facts are life
Your face is snowing

255 Posts

if this were a nintendo
i wouldn't be able
to post

01 March 2008

lightly greased anything

lightly greased anything
You're the only one
for me
You're the only one
Lightly forsaken
Chewing gum
A merry band of harlots
mixing tongues
A plum, antarctic architect
struck dumb
A lightning slick
with rendered bacon fat,
An architect of
failure on a
wrestling mat
A cosine wave with trenches
high above the
happy heroin sting
Lightly greased anything,
You're the one
for me


26 February 2008

epic walls of chugging palm-muted guitar, and fear


six minute plus
giant solemn landscaped
walls of buzzing
towering coils of towering
coils upon coils upon
scapes of skystacked
blood colored

picks in hand
strike choking fear
into their

(as featured on
real world/road rules
(the new one))

22 February 2008


Just because I can
I will fight you to the death
I will fight you to the death

Just because I did
I could leave you in the wind
Like a solemn-hued lieutenant

Just because I love you
I would pave your face with stars
I would send you to the afterworld

Just because I can
I will write your name in base
I will fight you without reason

These my words

teen plasma awards

sprawling gossamer motorcades
finely shredded text
culture hemorrhage aptitude
constant horrific next
topaz colored breakfast bar
salad hardly touched
vikram vitamin verisimilitude
indoctrination rushed

20 February 2008

closed letter to hellfarming

My kingdom
For an asshole

Getting sober

It's hellfarming

18 February 2008

tasty dinosaurs


mouth water
fossil fuel

leathery salt
sinewy bliss

it's a party
it's a dinosaur
have another

RDA pending

open letter to hellfarming

pride goeth before
the fall guy

high water
open seas farming institute
irrigation throwdown

inferno charms
linguini butter muscles
hot capillary action

reagan rots in
the hot sun

in the sun
see you in hell

08 February 2008









24 January 2008

How to Succeed in Continental Drift Without Really Trying (or Get Outta Here, Greenspan!): Chapter One

It was cold and I took a hat for it.

Outside, frost wraiths lined the avenue like invisible waffles, perforated and terrible. A silence draped over the town like a carpet of shit. Somewhere, a car barked, softly, as if to say, Dear God.

The funeral was later on. Nobody wanted to go. It was that kind of funeral. I breathed a heavy sigh, and adjusted myself. Wind blew.

I stopped at the usual spot. It was dark inside and moist, real moist, with the promise of failure lingering in the air like poisoned milk. I ordered a Silent Wonder, which is scotch, tonic water and Legos. The Legos went down like puzzle tumors. I shuddered. Small talk. A smoke. I made eyes at the leggy yarn-mane down the counter, real small ones. The drink was slugged, the butt out. Cough. Money. The apparent future and the realization.

I staggered out into the dewy urban wild, shielded my brow and made a noise like a 78 on 33. I pushed away a wraith and hailed a dude mover. "Abe and 441st," I spat out. "Step." He did. The scenery passed. I lit up and blew out a cloud of triumph.

Templesmith was all wrong. It was the green wire with yellow stripe, not the blue wire with the red stripe. We'd argued cyanotic, shaking our parched fists like little fleshy bundles of parchment paper in the shape of human hands. I chuckled to myself, if only to stave off the acid-rain tears. There was plenty of time to get bloodshot and lumpy. The smell of fire and blood wafted in from the War District. I took another drag and ran a calloused finger through thinning, sad hairs. God damn him. God damn him.

My knuckles cracked, muscadine. Bing bang. Ring a ding. Fiddle faddle. Other things. The future yawned its desperate, wailing mouth wide like a blow-up doll, eager to disappoint. I stayed quiet in the back there and stifled a prescient wave of nausea. The dude mover pulled up to the church and stopped. I handed the man an eight-spot with room. We exchanged brief, but substantive eyebrow raises. I disembarked.

The church loomed high, high in the chuckling sky like a man possessed and also made of concrete. Lichen blossomed from my fingertips. A homeless person farted, with no teeth.

The church's insides were warped and convoluted like stolid brain maps. I folded my programme in half, then again in half, and a third time also in half. Taking a seat in the way back, I breathed out slowly, fingering my pocketwatch as the masses spoke their putrid reminiscences and cried cheaply, the weep of the unknowing, the pointless weep of the conscious attempting to pull apart the sublevels as if expecting to find treasure maps and heaving bosoms, car fresheners and mint juleps, all of it just a writhing mass of awful vapid vacuums and reality television, horses snorting in the dying fields, makeup running down the countenance like jet black diarrheal outbursts, hands placed about each other artlessly, the children, God damn him, God damn you, God damn ourselves and what then. What then, Templesmith. What Godless, artless, pointless futures you have wrought upon the living. A sea of white noise made of sobs and ghastly averted stares wet the place like a sodden diaper. I sucked in my gut and let out a soundless scream, a gaping chasm of a crevasse of a silent outpour of cinematic grief, a tear making its empty way across my cheek, and pounded my knee, then once more. I made my way up to the coffin and dropped in the folded programme, then derailed the narrative of a filmic yawn as I made my way out of the church.

It was still cold and I was glad I had taken a hat. The wraiths shifted in place, eyes cast down, erections tucked under the belt. We shared a thorough and gentle cleansing in the frozen sun. Things would never be the same again.

A cat moved, but only part way.

18 January 2008

a different whale

false ghost
timid whale
shredded skin
bent knees
juniper wash
stumble down
lost meal
curb nap
donor's eyes
fountain medals
false songs
land whales
right angles
hey ladies
get quinine
hands up
tonic sheets
frozen whales
bloody cleats

14 January 2008

astronaut cop

like a hot zephyr
from the puking sky
astronaut cop
contain that shit

like a masked wind
with breathing shoulders
medium shot
hold it
that's perfect

like breaded gold
like a child's whiskers
astronaut cop
superman that ho

10 January 2008

Sea's Lament

Sailing on the high seas
In search of fabled treasure
Huffing ether from a grocery bag

Love has left us blind
Scrambling through the branches
Of the mauve-hued afterbirth
Of a pierced demon

When all is lost
I'll simply clap the light off
Simply pour a glass of fucking
Geriatric wrecking ball

Siren call of the
Generation XXY
Attorneys at sea: pray with us
As we might pray for thee

On the high fucking

07 January 2008


coughing up sand
in the middle of nowhere

retire i said
waste of oxygen
even nitrogen
get thee gone

soles comin off
tie rotten
face frayed
future past
o captain
take leave
for god's sake



viral fount

Spray hard
It's a long way to

Protein coat
Hides the horror
Rowin boats
Got no oars
Eyes to the floors
Kind sirs

Fold thy legs
Deliver thy prize
Eyes on the skies

Thrust hard
It's a long way to
The beginning of time

03 January 2008


Hold your fire
I'm a human

Sorry about that
I thought you were
One of them

What's going on
In this town

I ain't got a clue

By the time
I noticed
Something was wrong

Hold your fire
I'm a

02 January 2008

little stress bird

O little stress bird
What do you know
How's it go
Where are you from
Where are you go
Little stress bird
Myopic aviary

O gnarled vein
Who is the stress bird
Hand me the microfiche
Where are the microfiche
How does it work
Little vein bird
Stressed me right out

Keep pouring coffee or
Forget getting sober
Mr. Roper
Little stress vein
Birds are free
Who are you

Community Christian Boys Basketball Becomes A Face

Community Christian
Boys Basketball
At Gilcrest
Wednesday 8pm

Communiface Christian
Boys Faceketball
At Gilface
Wednesface 8pm

Faceuniface Chrisface
Boys Faceketface
Face Gilface
Facenesface 8 face

Face Face

With Batman At Your Side

With Batman
At your side
In the field
In the snow

With Batman
At your side
Making drinks
Taking tricks
Learning to love

With Batman
At your side
Here's a boomerang
Here's a razor wire

With Batman
At your side
Focus on the family
Save the day
For freedom