16 September 2008

maybe it was utah

We gave up the cover
Of mud and anonymity
Rebirth into the ether
Maybe it was wrong

We took our soles off
Hung them on the radiator
Stole a few eukaryotes
Maybe that was rash

We left the brooding solace
Breathed the nitrous solution
Blocked our mouths with nylon
Maybe times were hard

We crashed and were rebuilt
Egos dead in the desert
Simple things we couldn't grasp
Maybe it was Utah

this poem has been vaporized


15 September 2008

a memorial

i was just thinking

remember the time
that we were shopping
at fashion bug and
we were assaulted
by mammals

remember the time
our faces came off in the
snow and we wept
until we realized we were
totally stepping all over
our faces

remember the time
you were high above planet
earth and nothing seemed
to matter but the sweet-ass
breeze through your
frosted mane

neither do i

the aesthetic aegis

and now they're
opening an ikea
in lone tree,
the golden sky opened wide
and vomited a soup
of hazy light upon
the good citizens
and everyone was bathed
in soft glowing
and understanding
and peals of laughter
rang out from under
the straight trees
straight lines

and of course, everything was

11 September 2008

borrow your face (remix)

shaded hairman slips into
burning bookstore
at corner of hoover and

a mass of red pulp and
two dry white sockets

no we told him we
are all out of the secret
we are also all out
of oscar wao
can we recommend
a face

shaded hairman in the coat
of solace takes the skin
off the dust jacket
one doppio to go

and its off to the races

later that year we
all became astronauts
and were crushed in the
event horizon

bucket of lymph

hey man

hairy nodes at the gate of lucubus
droplets of fear
on the countenances of the peoples
of the northern realm
just before
the wordless yawning night

and yea, did lohan
descend on sweaty shafts of

that's not a word
fuck you pal

02 September 2008

a latin phrase followed by an insult

quid pro quo, asshole
e pluribus unum, retard
caveat emptor, fuckface
ab imo pectore, dickhead
hoc est bellum, idiot
in articulo mortis, bitch
lux et veritas, loser
luctor et emergo, moron
nec plus ultra, scrotum face
res ipsa loquitur, douchebag
vince malum bono, dickwad
nulli secundus, windowlicker
in omnia paratus, troglodyte
habeas corpus, shitstain
fiat lux, butthole
ex post facto, chump
dulcius ex asperis, limpdick
coitus interruptus, bonehead
ave atque vale, penis breath
acta non verba, dillweed
pulvis et umbra sumus, asshat
nosce te ipsum, dumbshit
manus manum lavat, cracker
dolorum ipsum quia, schmuck
sine qua non, motherfucker


look at them go
look at them stretch
eating your feelings
light ethical workouts
early summer insurgence
screwed by the infidels
tanks on your shoulders
shades on your tanks
moss in the shade
moss growing off your side chain
chains everywhere
look what happened
now the sky is disgusting
and mom is a gargoyle
mycorrhizal union
above ground
and cavities filled with meat
clubfoot summer rain
and luscious burnt locks
do you understand now
what was is
and how


go set
mind, protocol, go
go set

sleep protocol
mind set
go set

protocol set
from within, frog step
mind step,
go set

from without, doom
icon acceptor
proton donor
swimming in the binary
mind protocol
sleep set

go set
go set

frog step
frog step
frog step